signature bouquet subscription
signature bouquet subscription

signature bouquet subscription

Flowerette’s signature bouquet, beautifully styled with only the freshest of blooms and foliage.

Ideal for a weekly workplace arrangement, a thoughtful gift to the one you love or simply to adorn your home on a regular basis.

We can tailor this option to suit your requirements, like arranging into a vase which changes each week, ideal for office spaces or reception counters. Please contact us to discuss if what you are after is not shown in the options.

If your suburb isn’t listed in the drop down menu, please contact us with your preferred subscription and we will confirm delivery options for you.


Due to the seasonal nature of flowers, stock will vary. The varieties in your bouquet will differ from what is photographed. Please trust that our botanical stylists will hand-pick with love the most beautiful, seasonal flowers to create your arrangement.